Who are-we ?


Specialist in self-defense training and sports engineering for companies, EFFICIENT FIT is the key player in improving the safety of your employees in the exercise of their work.

All our speakers have a minimum of 15 years of experience in their field of expertise and are recognized for their teaching and professionalism.

The diversity of our activities and the quality of our services offer you the guarantee of total success for your business, between work, leisure and relaxation.

Our commitments alongside our partners highlight our strong values ​​of kindness and excellence.


 our approach

of training

We are convinced that technical knowledge, repeated in a climate of trust and kindness, allows everyone to express their talents and increase their self-confidence. This is the whole point of our action, to give everyone the opportunity to be the best version of themselves, not by working on their aggressiveness, quite the contrary, but by developing the control of the right gesture, confidence and self-control.

 our experts

Meet our team of experts

philippe corvisier

Doctor of science, entrepreneur and professional training specialist for over 15 years, Philippe will know how to pass on his passion for human relations to you! You will benefit from his experience in conflict management within companies.

nataly maltezeanu

Lawyer and mediator, Nataly provides advice and expertise to our clients. Self-defense, mediations, legal framework… she will explain everything to you with passion!

laura novita

Communication consultant, passionate about human relations, dynamic and attentive, she will explain to you how to communicate in a non-violent way to defuse conflict.

let’s build 
your future 


71 rue Victor Hugo
L-4141 Esch-sur-Alzette


(352) 661 432 677